Just the tip of the iceberg…

When I began my yoga practice back in the year 2000, I was intrigued right away by the feelings that …

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Mindful Moments: Daily Habits to Cultivate Mindfulness and Boost Well-being

In the whirlwind of daily life, finding tranquility and practicing mindfulness might seem daunting, yet incorporating these habits can profoundly …

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Celebrating Balance, Movement, and Wholeness: InTune Yoga & Wellness Reflects on a Spectacular 2023 and Welcomes 2024 with Open Arms

As the sun sets on another transformative year, we at InTune Yoga & Wellness are filled with gratitude for the …

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10 Tips for a Healthy Happy Thanksgiving

10 Tips for a Healthy Happy Thanksgiving… 1. Find out in advance what the host is cooking. Ask in a …

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Empowering Women for a Balanced Life

The modern world demands that women be all things to all people: efficient professionals, nurturing family members, and innovative problem …

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Sweet Dreams: Sleep, the Magic Pill

For as long as I’ve been on this earth, humans have sought after the ‘magic pill’. The ‘fixer-elixir’ that will …

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Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health – Find Balance in Self Care

Image via Pexels Life can be overwhelming, with all its twists and turns, challenges, and stressors. It forces us to …

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Four Inexpensive Tools for Upgrading Your Yoga Practice

From overworked parents (including parents-to-be) to underappreciated managers, we could all benefit from the reduced stress and improved focus afforded …

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Getting Away Without Going Away: The Health Benefits of Hobbies

The importance of self-care and holistic wellness is not fully understood or appreciated in a society that prizes hard work, …

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Six Self-Care Activities

Article courtesy of Camille Johnson at Bereaver.com Life is busy. Daily commutes are getting longer, many of us work during …

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Eating: Not Just About The What, But HOW & Why

Six tips to promote healthy digestion and eat anything you want… OK, let me re-phrase that line a bit. We …

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Effective Ways to Prevent Anxiety Attacks

by Sophie Letts of Meditation Help. Photo credit Alex Green from Pexels Anxiety or panic attacks are feelings of terror that come without …

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High 5 Challenge: My Experience

If you are not familiar with Mel Robbins, I encourage you to seek her out! Mel’s credentials are out the …

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Keep Your Cool This Summer

10 Ways to Keep Your Cool This Summer Breath – Game changer…seriously…change your mood, change your mindset, shift your life. You …

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Love Is As Love Does

“To begin by always thinking of love as an action rather than a feeling is one way in which anyone …

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Does The End Justify The Means?

The answer to this might be more gray than black and white. What is “the means”? What is “the end”? …

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After Christmas Blues

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I did. But I’m experiencing the after Christmas blues! Are you? So many …

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Transformation From On High

Today’s blog is born from last week’s hike on one of the Mountains just North of where I live. The …

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You Don’t Own A Thing

I watched Blackfish the other night – the documentary about SeaWorld’s orcas in captivity. The movie has been recommended to …

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Five Tips to Keep You Cool This Summer…

I get so excited as we move into the summer months and the days get longer. We have more BBQ’s, …

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You Are Not Your Addiction!

Guest Post: Cynthia Wand ADDICTED -|əˈdiktid| adjective •physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking …

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To Be Of One Heart or Not to Be – What was the question?

I recently attended a fireside hosted at my neighborhood LDS Stake Center (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), …

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Meditation, Meditation, Meditation…

It’s like a buzz word. But WHAT is it really? Why would you want to meditate? A decade ago meditation …

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Goal Setting: Chore or Pleasure?

Goal setting is a favorite past-time of mine. Hold on. Before you go bizerk and check out…stay with me for …

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Is It Better to Give or Receive?

This is the time of gift GIVING right? But, is it really better to give than to receive? I think receiving sometimes take a back seat …

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Happiness Is…

Have you had a chance to read “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin? Her work has had a powerful impact on …

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Restorative Yoga: What your body needs.

In “Yoga for Wellness”, Gary Kraftsow describes Yoga Therapy (Yoga Cikitsa) as: “a remedial tradition, founded on a recognition that …

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Yoga Practice (30 min): Balancing the Second Chakra

Linda Black, The Yoga Coach, guides you through a 35 minute yoga practice to balance your 2nd chakra. Instead of …

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Yoga Practice (30 min): 3-in-1 Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga = The Antidote to Stress. The power of these quiet soothing postures when practiced regularly comes from allowing …

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