Celebrate Moms, Give the Gift of Building Memories…

A friend once told me that instead of going out and buying a generic gift for a loved one she likes to give experiences.

What does your Mom like? Cooking? Jumping out of airplanes? Dancing? Theater? Whatever she enjoys, you can gift her the experience and perhaps go with her to build memories. One year I bought tickets to see The Osmond Brothers and took my Mom for Christmas. We hadn’t shared an experience like that for many years. It was memorable and fun! We spent time laughing & enjoying each other’s company. Through conversation during the evening I learned some things about my mom that I didn’t know before. It turned out to be a sweet memory for me.

My mom likes to personalize gifts to the grand children with customized monograms. She puts them on towels, pillow cases, blankets, journal covers, pillows, or anything that she can make. It’s personal and lasting…and amazing when you consider that she has 25 Grand kids and 7 great grandkids! I love my Mother and all the sweet things she does for me and my family.