2012 is Here!

2012 Is Here!

I love a new year…all fresh and pristine, a blank canvas with infinite possibilities. It’s dreamy pie in the sky stuff…No boundaries have yet been established or rules set in stone. It’s bendable, pliable, & flexible to mold and fit your desires. So, the question I ask myself is this…”what do I want in 2012”? An obvious answer is “More than I got in 2011”. But why, how and what really do I want? In pondering this question I find it helpful to look back at 2011 and celebrate the year.

Celebrate by writing down 50 – 100 of your greatest accomplishments (yes, it does take some time). Then revel in all your glory! Acknowledge these accomplishments and take a closer look at the underlying commitment that made them work. What fueled their success? If you know the what and why of your successes in 2011 then you can take that forward into 2012 and build on it. It is important to not get caught up in what did NOT happen in 2011 but to focus on what DID.

Photo: Angie Torres

Now that you are in a place of confidence and joy, this would be a great time to set your intentions (resolutions, goals, etc) for 2012. For the big goals, break them down into bite size pieces: what gets done quarterly, monthly, weekly, and even daily. Take action day by day that will move you forward towards your goal. Remember: bite off just enough for comfortably chewing. Create time in your schedule for reflection and celebration as you pass milestones along the way. This will keep you motivated and on track.

AND…if taking better care you yourself, getting in shape, losing weight, or healing a nagging ailment (low back, neck, shoulder, hip) are amongst your goals you’ve come to the right place to get help when you need it! Stay tuned to more newsletters for timely tips about health and wellness or join me for a workshop in 2012…I have several in the month of January coming up very soon!

If you can’t catch a workshop be sure to schedule private coaching sessions with me to get you on the right track! And right now until the end of the month I’m scheduling clients at 20% off the regular price of $60 just to say happy NEW YEAR in a special way.


Linda Black